In 2017, we purchased the Power Curber 5700-C curb machine equipped with the Topcon Millimeter GPS stringless machine control system.  Since the majority of the site contractors we work with utilize 3D GPS earthmoving equipment to perform their work, we thought it would give us an advantage to also equip our machine with the Topcon Millimeter GPS System.  We are able to utilize the same 3D model that site contractors use, which in turn translates into accuracy and efficiency.

Another advantage of the Topcon Millimeter GPS stringless system is the cost savings to owners/site contractors.  The use of this stringless system minimizes or eliminates layout by survey crews to stake out for traditional stringline installation of curb and gutter.  Among other advantages, the 5700-C can get in and out of tight spots quickly, making radius work and parking lot jobs much easier.

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